The Value of Microchipping a Pet
Microchipping your pet involves implanting a chip (integrated transponder that is about the size of a grain of rice) in pet’s shoulder area. The procedure is similar to receiving routine vaccinations and most pets do not react. The microchip does not use batteries but is energized by an electromagnetic field produced by a microchip scanner. It is important to understand that a microchip is not a tracking devise or GPS. It cannot be used to trace your pet. When the micochip is scanned, it reveals an alphanumeric code that is unique to that pet and it will last the life of the pet. As indicated, the chip can be read by scanner at most animal shelters and veterinarian’s offices and is an excellent way to reunite lost pets with their families – as long as you insure the chip company is updated with accurate information.
Cats often do not wear a collar or any type of identification. While most dogs wear collars with ID tags bearing owner information, the ID tags can fall off and collars can break. Should your pet get loose for any reason, the microchip provides an extra level of security that increases the odds of your pet’s return.
If a pet becomes lost or displaced and ends up in a municipal shelter, animal control facility or any humane society across the country, its fate could be disastrous if that particular facility is not a no-kill facility. Most facilities are committed to scanning pets upon intake and will make an effort to reunite a microchipped pet with its owner. Again, it is important to maintain current information with the organization and websites to ensure successful return of lost animals.
Here at C.A.R.E. all of our pets are microchipped before being adopted. Some of the websites that provide information about microchipping are Home Again, Avidid , 24 Pet Watch, just to name a few.
Cats often do not wear a collar or any type of identification. While most dogs wear collars with ID tags bearing owner information, the ID tags can fall off and collars can break. Should your pet get loose for any reason, the microchip provides an extra level of security that increases the odds of your pet’s return.
If a pet becomes lost or displaced and ends up in a municipal shelter, animal control facility or any humane society across the country, its fate could be disastrous if that particular facility is not a no-kill facility. Most facilities are committed to scanning pets upon intake and will make an effort to reunite a microchipped pet with its owner. Again, it is important to maintain current information with the organization and websites to ensure successful return of lost animals.
Here at C.A.R.E. all of our pets are microchipped before being adopted. Some of the websites that provide information about microchipping are Home Again, Avidid , 24 Pet Watch, just to name a few.